Getting Started With The Thinkific Affiliate Program: A Step-By-Step Guide In 2024

Thinkific Affiliate Program


Suppose you are a course creator who loves Thinkific. In that case, you might be interested in becoming a Thinkific affiliate and earning recurring commissions by sharing the power of Thinkific with your audience. Thinkific is a powerful online course platform that allows you to easily create, sell, and deliver your courses. 

As a Thinkific affiliate, you can earn up to $1,700 per referral per year, depending on your chosen plan. You also get access to exclusive creative and promotional material created by Thinkific to help you reach more potential customers. Plus, you enjoy a 90-day cookie period, which means you get credit for any referrals that sign up within 90 days of clicking your unique PartnerStack link.

Thinkific is a great platform for DIY content creators, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to share their knowledge and expertise online.

By becoming a Thinkific affiliate, you can help your audience build thriving learning businesses and earn passive income at the same time. If you want to learn more about the Thinkific affiliate program, you can visit their website or read some of their reviews.

What is the Thinkific Affiliate Program?

The Thinkific Affiliate Program is a way for you to earn money by promoting Thinkific, a platform that helps you create and sell online courses.

As a Thinkific affiliate, you can get a 30% recurring commission for every paid plan that you refer to Thinkific, for as long as the referral stays a customer. You also get access to exclusive promotional materials, a 90-day cookie period, and a dedicated affiliate team to support you.

Thinkific is a great platform for anyone who wants to create and sell online courses, whether they are content creators, entrepreneurs, or business owners. Thinkific offers a variety of features, such as a drag-and-drop course buildercustom domainslanding pagesquizzes, certificatesintegrations, and more.

Thinkific also has a free plan that allows you to create up to three courses and unlimited students.

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Why choose the Thinkific Affiliate Program?

If you are a course creator who loves Thinkific, or if your audience consists of DIY content creators, entrepreneurs, or business owners who want to create online courses, then the Thinkific Affiliate Program is a great opportunity for you to earn recurring commissions by sharing the power of Thinkific with your audience.

Thinkific Affiliate Program

Thinkific is a powerful and easy-to-use online course platform that allows you to create, sell, and deliver your courses anywhere, anytime.

As a Thinkific Affiliate, you can earn up to $1,700 per referral per year, and enjoy benefits such as a 30% lifetime recurring commission on all monthly or annual paid plans, a 90-day cookie period, and access to exclusive creative and promotional material. To get started, you need an existing affiliate partner to refer you to the Thinkific team via the PartnerStack messaging feature in the partner’s dashboard. You can learn more about the Thinkific Affiliate Program by visiting their website or reading some of the reviews from other affiliates.

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How do I join the Thinkific Affiliate Program?

The Thinkific Affiliate Program is a great way to earn recurring commissions by sharing the power of Thinkific with your audience.

Thinkific is an online course platform that allows you to create and sell courses, memberships, and digital products. Whether you are a DIY content creator, an entrepreneur, or a business owner, Thinkific can help you share your knowledge and expertise with the world.

To join the Thinkific Affiliate Program, you need to follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to have an existing affiliate partner who can refer you to the Thinkific team via the PartnerStack messaging feature in their dashboard.
  2. Second, you need to use your unique PartnerStack link to promote Thinkific on your website, blog, social media, or any other platform.
  3. Third, each time someone clicks on your link and subscribes to Thinkific for the first time, you will get a 30% recurring commission on all monthly or annual paid plans for as long as the new subscriber pays for Thinkific.

You can also access exclusive creative and promotional material created by Thinkific to help you promote the program more effectively. Additionally, you can benefit from a 90-day cookie period, which means that if someone visits Thinkific but doesn’t sign up right away, they will still be tracked via a browser cookie and you will get the credit if they return any time within the next 90 days and sign up.

How to promote the Thinkific Affiliate Program?

There are many ways to promote the Thinkific Affiliate Program to your audience, depending on your niche, platform, and style.

Thinkific Affiliate Program

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Write a blog post or a review about Thinkific and how it can help your audience create and sell their courses. You can use the ready-to-go creative and promotional content provided by Thinkific, or create your own based on your experience and expertise. Don’t forget to include your referral link and a clear call to action.
  2. Create a video or a podcast episode where you showcase Thinkific and its features, benefits, and success stories. You can also interview a Thinkific course creator or a Thinkific team member and ask them about their tips and best practices. Make sure to mention your referral link and encourage your viewers or listeners to check it out.
  3. Share your referral link on your social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. You can also join relevant groups or communities where your target audience hangs out and offer valuable advice and insights about online course creation and Thinkific. Be genuine and helpful, and don’t spam your link.
  4. Create a bonus offer or an incentive for your audience to sign up for Thinkific using your referral link. For example, you can offer a free consultation, a discount, a coupon, a free ebook, a free course, or anything else that adds value and solves a problem for your audience. Make sure to deliver your bonus or incentive after your referrals sign up and pay for Thinkific.
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Tips to Succeed in the Thinkific Affiliate Program

Share some tips and best practices on how to promote Thinkific to your audience and generate more referrals.

Some possible tips are:

  1. Know your audience and their needs. Identify who are your ideal customers and what problems they are trying to solve. Tailor your content and offers to match their interests and goals.
  2. Create valuable and engaging content. Use different formats and channels to showcase Thinkific and its benefits. For example, you can write blog posts, create videos, host webinars, record podcasts, or send newsletters. Provide honest reviews, testimonials, case studies, tutorials, or comparisons.
  3. Use your unique referral link. Make sure to use your PartnerStack referral link when you mention Thinkific in your content. This will ensure that you get credited for any sign-ups that come from your audience. You can also create custom links for different campaigns or sources.
  4. Provide a bonus offer. To incentivize your audience to sign up for Thinkific, you can offer them a bonus or a discount. For example, you can give them a free consultation, a course, an ebook, a tool, or a coupon. Make sure to communicate the value and urgency of your offer. 

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Thinkific is a powerful and easy-to-use platform that allows anyone to create, sell, and deliver online courses.

Whether you want to share your knowledge, skills, or passion, Thinkific can help you turn your expertise into a profitable online business.

As a Thinkific affiliate, you can earn recurring commissions by promoting Thinkific to your audience.

You will get 30% of every payment that your referrals make for as long as they stay with Thinkific. You will also get access to exclusive resources, such as creative materials, promotional content, and support from the Thinkific team.


Are you ready to take the plunge? Visit the Thinkific Affiliate Program to begin your application and join the legions of affiliates building their success stories.

Please share your experiences and questions below, and let’s grow together in the vast and exciting affiliate marketing world!

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